Finlayson Factory Area
A long-term land use plan for Tampere city centre for converting a red-brick cotton factory block area into an active area enhancing the actual centre of the city.

Industrial decline saw the need for massive regeneration of a large area of land in the heart of Tampere.

Preparation of the master plan for the Finlayson area began in 1988 as an ideas competition. The plans for the reuse of the area came at a time when the older buildings became unsuitable for modern machining processes, leading to massive industrial decline - and subsequently a design competition.

The master plan focuses on conservation, transport integration and change of use.
Projektin yksityiskohdat
- Sijainti: Tampere, Finland
- Vuosi: 1988-98
- Kokonaispinta-ala: 115,000m2
- Suunnitelma: Rebuild and renovation of building stock
01Full Profile
A long-term land use plan for Tampere city centre for converting a red-brick cotton factory block area into an active area enhancing the actual centre of the city.
Preparation of the master plan for the Finlayson area began in 1986. In June 1988 an ideas competition was launched, the aim of which was to find a basis on which to begin drafting master plan work. The plans for the reuse of the area came as a time when the older building stock was technically – and because of its location – unsuitable for modern machining processes. Such developments led to massive industrial decline within the area, and subsequently led to the need for massive regenerations. At the same time, Finlayson’s asset portfolio was transferred to Tampere Real Estate Investments Oy who, in conjunction with the City of Tampere, set about organising an ideas competition for the area.
The master plan defines the structure of the area and its cohesion with the city’s urban structure and existing transport networks. Conservation of the old building stock in the area, as well as guidelines for the future of new construction and floor area goals are a core aspect of the master plan. Construction limits, building heights, parking and provision of activities within the area are also key components of the design.
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